College Scholarship Program
In our modern technological world, leaders and citizens need to be well educated, skilled in the use of technology, understand and deal appropriately with complex environmental and economic issues, apply wisdom and Christian principles in solving political, community and family problems and equally important, educated the youth instilling the importance of integrity and human dignity, language skills and technical knowledge. These new leaders will need the self-confidence and desire to go forth and face their challenges knowing that Almighty God is their Protector, the Ultimate Source of all knowledge, and power, that God is a loving and caring God, and wants them to use their inherent intelligence and creativeness for the betterment of themselves and mankind.
Hill of the Lord Ministries Scholarship Program is funded by the congregation of the Hill Of The Lord Ministries, various other individuals, private groups and corporate donors. The scholarship program is administered by Hill Of The Lord Ministries College Scholarship Program Committee.
Hill Of The Lord Ministries College Scholarship Program is therefore a creative raining down of God’s love and goodwill, a testimony to the immeasurable worth of young minds, a catalyst for raising Christian leaders with excellent educations and strong minds for business, health care and medicine, for government, education, ministry and music all across America and throughout the world. This spontaneous outpouring of God’s love and goodwill is summarized in the Mission and Vision Statements of Hill Of The Lord Ministries.
If you would like to receive additional information about our Scholarship selection criteria eligible applicants, cost of attending college, financial aid packages & how to contribute to scholarship trust fund, please sign up below.